Ideas on Praying the Rosary as a School Family

Dear Holy Rosary Families,
This will be our last eFC bulletin prior to Thanksgiving, and we will before long be in December!
I discover myself sometimes getting caught up in all that 2020 has taken from us, and all that I (we) continue to struggle with during this time.   I know there is a huge sense of aligning to this new normal that continues to go on, and a bit of grieving with what has been lost.  And it is of import to acknowledge that these feelings are real and that they do affair.
Simply as I came into piece of work yesterday morn, I heard something on the radio that gave me suspension, and made me retrieve a little differently about some of the challenges of these days.  As I was going about my morning time routine, I had the radio on during my quick drive to school on a wet November morning.  I had other things on my heed and admittedly was only partly listening, when I heard this statement: "instead of thinking of all that you have lost in 2020, remember of all that has been given to you."  And I paused, listened more and thought, OK, what has this year given?  Well, the commercial, which was actually an advertisement for decluttering and hauling abroad junk, was making the statement that 2020 has reminded us to focus on people and non on stuff.   Fourth dimension with people, renewed relationships with people, taking the time to talk to and be present (remotely) with people.  It is and then true- these connections and our relationships affair so much right now.
With joy, we welcomed our 8th graders on campus for Mass yesterday and a short retreat to follow in the church.   I am grateful for the fourth dimension nosotros were able to spend with them.  Information technology was time spent focused on relationships and community. I wait forward to seeing more students, hopefully shortly, on campus.  I am grateful for every one of our wonderful students, for our school families, for our staff, and for our entire Holy Rosary Customs and am focusing on that during this fourth dimension of Thanksgiving.  Each of you affair so much to our Holy Rosary family unit.  With a renewed focus in my centre of what really matters, I thank God for the blessing of each one of yous.
May the peace of Christ exist with yous all, these days and always,

COVID-19 has given us all an opportunity to reflect upon our lives, to call to heed the blessings which we have, the blessings which we are missing, and the blessings nosotros have neglected or cast aside.  One of our blessings is the gift of our parish customs, as we journey with one another and share in the goodness of life, and as nosotros go along the piece of work of our Lord on our style to Heaven.  None of this happens on its ain, but considering of our parishioners sharing their own gifts – including their time, talent and treasure.

Holy Rosary Parish is request our parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their financial support for the year ahead.  Just equally we look for where the Lord is in every aspect of our lives, where is He in our upkeep?  Parishioners should have received a letter in the mail final calendar week with a pledge menu, which can besides be filled out online.  The Scriptures remind us often of tithing, giving 10% of the showtime fruits to the Lord as a sacrificial offering.  Generosity may await the same for everyone, only the amounts may differ.  Parish families are eligible for a discounted tuition level in recognition of their support of Holy Rosary Parish, which funds office of school operations.  The minimum giving level is $1,080, or $90 per month.  The Lord calls us to faithful stewardship, which means we wait at how we use all that God has given to u.s.a. for our good and the expert of others.

We have already heard from 86 families after our first calendar week.  Thank you to those who have already filled out a commitment card for the twelvemonth alee, and thank you to those who are nonetheless prayerfully because where Holy Rosary fits into your household expenses as we care for ane another and keep our important work together.In Christ,
Fr. Oakland

Parent Educatee Teacher Conferences!

Conferences will be held Nov 23rd – 25th, remotely.  If you have not signed up all the same, delight do and then at present. The sign ups will close Th night at eleven:59pm. After that, delight contact your child'due south instructor directly to schedule your conference.

Virtual Book Fair

The Holy Rosary School Scholastic Book Off-white is happening now! Follow this link to order all the printed goodness. Scholastic will give dorsum 25% in rewards to our school when yous shop from November 13th -26th, and then gobble up this bargain before it ends. There are no leftovers, and so stuff yourselves silly.

Protecting your family from COVID-nineteen: Information and Resources

Holy Rosary School and Public Health – Seattle & Male monarch Canton (PHSKC) want to be sure that you take the data yous demand to help keep your family unit healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. PHSK has answers to many unremarkably asked questions most COVID-19, such every bit:

  • What are the signs and symptoms?
  • What practice I do if I think I've been effectually someone who has COVID-19?
  • How practice I care for someone in my family who has COVID-xix?
  • When can my child return to school and my household members be around others once more if they have COVID-19? You lot may observe the answers to these questions and more by This data is available in 33 languages.

For questions well-nigh COVID-xix testing, we recommend the following:

  • Find a listing of costless testing sites:
  • Call your medical provider

•Contact King County's COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977. The call heart is open between 8am – 7pm daily. Interpreters are bachelor

Subbing In Catholic Schools!

Have you lot e'er considered subbing in our Catholic Schools?  Subbing tin can exist a bang-up manner to work part fourth dimension!  More information tin can be plant hither:

Activity ITEMS

Yearbook Lodge Time

It'south yearbook order time! This year'southward theme is Withal Continued, and the yearbook staff will be doing its best to bear witness the many ways we're still connected this year. Yearbook price is $25 for grades preschool through 7, and $thirty for grade 8. Grade 8 includes the student'due south name stamped on the cover every bit well as other highlights. Orders are due by Wed, December two, merely why wait because information technology's quick and piece of cake to order at this link. Your FACTS account will be billed.
We are extremely proud of our yearbook programme at Holy Rosary. It's one of the few Thousand-eight school yearbooks designed by 7th and 8th graders, who are skilled in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. A yearbook is non only a retentivity book, but a tape and history book, a reference book, and a public relations volume; every bit well as an educational experience for everyone involved. This year'south yearbook will be extra challenging, but we are looking forward to it! Thank you for supporting our yearbook program.

Social Media 'Likes' and 'Comments'

The school posts often on Facebook and Instagram pictures of Holy Rosary School happenings. (@HolyRosaryWS) When you like our pictures on Facebook or 'heart' our posts on Instagram, you help share the story of Holy Rosary School.  This is especially important during COVID, when we are not able to have our normal admissions events.  Practise you beloved your teacher?  Share a comment about them in a Facebook Holy Rosary School review – or an HRS Facebook post when your grade is shown.  Pleased with all the remote efforts?  Another corking piece to comment about!  Comments aid our social media attain exponentially!Be an advocate for Holy Rosary – Thank you!

Financial Help

Applying for tuition assistance for the September 2021- June 2022 school year is at present open.  Please complete your fiscal assistance application past January 8, 2021. Information nearly financial help and the link to the application tin can be institute here.

Bishop Blanchet Pinewood Derby

We accept an exciting opportunity for your 6th – 8th grade students!  (Also accepting interested fifth graders) Bishop Blanchet High School is holding its starting time almanac Pinewood Derby presented by their schoolhouse's Robotics Team.  If you are interested, please register  Parents will register their ain child. For more information see the flier.

Prayer "corner" Idea

An Advent of Thanks
"Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And allow organized religion be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good." –Maya Angelou
The end of November we celebrate Thanksgiving and the Solemnity of Christ the Male monarch, launching the season of Advent. This November, especially, we experienced a stressful election flavour. Nov's endings and ancestry tin be a source of anxiety. Focusing on the present with gratitude may brand a difference. Writing in the early 1300s, Meister Eckhart says, "If the only prayer yous ever say in your entire life is 'cheers,' information technology volition be enough." A lifetime feels similar a long time to concentrate on i prayer. But what virtually Advent? What would happen if we dared to brand "give thanks you" the foundation of our prayers this coming Advent season?
Dear Jesus, as November comes to a close, we remember again those who have died and we thank you for the gift of their lives. We thank you for the many blessings with which our lives are filled. Thank y'all for Advent, for the chance at new beginnings. For promises of deliverance and salvation, give thanks y'all. For these next few weeks, if in your kindness yous would grant us one grace, grant us the grace of a grateful heart. Cheers for hearing our prayers and for your dizzying love and compassion. Amen
From –The Catholic Mom'south Prayer Companion  Ave Maria Press.
Prayer idea: Have each member of your family unit selection a piece of fruit, vegetable, etc to decorate your prayer corner.  Then share as a family something nosotros are each thankful for.
Prayer corner thought: Provide some "kneelers"  or cushions or a chair in or near the expanse for praying. When a family unit fellow member is in the area praying, others may ask to join, so make a rule to requite the family member in the prayer surface area some infinite for tranquility prayer and reflection.
Go along an middle out in future efcs for prayer corner ideas.  Though we are currently not able to celebrate together as we have in the by, know that as a community we are joined together in our religion and through our hope and prayers, "for nothing volition exist impossible for God." Luke ane:37


Need some GatorGear for your student? Sweatshirts and sweatpants can be personalized and are ordinarily ready within a week or two of ordering.

  • youth sweats and hoodie
  • youth Sport-Tek fleece jacket, hoodie pullover, and duffel
  • adult Sport-Tek fleece jacket, hoodie pullover, and duffel
Asking Library Books

Are you looking for some new books to read?  Holy Rosary will be operating a remote cheque out organisation for our library to get books into the hands of our students every bit soon every bit possible.  To check out books please go to the Library page.


Development DIRECTIVES

Tree Lot

Holy Rosary has hosted a Tree Lot for 30 years and this twelvemonth is no exception.  We will follow all the social distancing rules, simply we need your help to pull information technology off.  This is some other major fundraiser, raising over $100,000!

Some changes for this year:

  1. Contactless delivery offered, for $25, as a fundraiser for the eightth grade class.
  2. Presale online and option upward at the lot, or opt for delivery.
  3. Shopping from your auto: drive through the lot and the Tree Lot elves volition bring over a couple choices for y'all to buy.
  4. Spacing conspicuously marked.
  5. Fully masked volunteers.

Nosotros NEED YOUR Assistance! Sign up to volunteer at the tree lot, click here to reserve your shifts.  New to HRS?  This is a neat way to meet families in all course levels.  Missing other parents? Make information technology a night out volunteering at the Tree Lot.

Tree Lot set-up takes place on Wednesday, the solar day before Thanksgiving, with the lot opening on Friday, November 27. Buy a pre-sale tree and additional information may be found hither.


Dec 4th is the cutoff to donate your auction item. All families need to donate a product valued at minimum $175 or cash prior to Dec 4th.  Cheque the Amazon wish list for ideas or purchase products from a local Due west Seattle business. Reminder: please do Not ask local businesses for a donation, after forty+ years supporting us, this is our yr to support them.

Although typically cash is appreciated, this year item donations would exist particularly appreciated.   Since we are not contacting small-scale businesses for donations, the auction will need items to bid on.  Think experiences, home décor, restaurants and more. A list of ideas may exist institute here.  Or contact

Enter your donation hither.


Coding With Kids

Coding with Kids has moved online, with live instructors. Visit the Coding with Kids website here. Download the data sheet here. Questions? Email Coding with Kids at


Holy Rosary's Appearance Giving Tree is ONLINE!

Due to the covid crunch, Holy Rosary Church's Advent Giving Tree has gone digital! $25 gift cards can be purchased They will be sent directly to the church by mode of email or USPS without ever leaving home. All gift cards benefit our local St. Vincent de Paul, Lazarus Heart, and St. Martin de Porres Shelter  If you adopt dropping off a souvenir card in person, they can be left in the drove basket at the Mass sign in table or dropped into the parish office mail slot located on the southside office door. Questions?  Please contact Libby at .  Cheers for your generosity.

Holy Rosary Parish Hiring

Holy Rosary Parish is looking for a new janitor/custodian for a 24-hour per week Friday through Lord's day position.  For more data and a consummate task description delight go to:

Service & Leadership Opportunity for High School Students

Peer Ministry: Allowing Your Light to Shine!

The Holy Rosary Peer Ministry program is a leadership and service opportunity for all high schoolhouse students who have received their sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation. A Peer Government minister will use their unique gifts and talents to serve and lead with the Youth Confirmation students, alongside the Youth Minister and Adult Volunteers.

If you accept a high schoolhouse student who needs to complete service hours and wants to develop and grow in their faith and leadership skills, visit our website to learn more about the Peer Ministry program: https building

2020 – 2021 Youth Confirmation Postponed!

After much discussion and prayer, the Holy Rosary Parish staff decided to postpone the start of the Youth Confirmation Program to 2d semester. Nosotros plan to jumpstart the program in January 2021 and conclude the programme with the Confirmation Ceremony in May of 2021.For those who have non registered yet, we volition keep online registration open until December 6, 2020. Click hither to annals for the 2020 – 2021 Youth Confirmation Programme:

Contact: Bridget Bicek, Youth Minister at or 206-937-1488 ext. 299.


Holy Rosary Church welcomes children who are 7 years or older & TEENS and never been baptized along with their families, on a journeying of preparation for initiation into the Catholic Church. If interested in RCIA and becoming Catholic, please contact Sr. Stella at or call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.

"Remembrance Family unit Tree"

Nov is the month of Remembrance. We dedicate this calendar month to pray, honor and recall our loved ones who died ahead of united states of america. I of the highlights of our celebration is putting up our "Remembrance Family unit Tree" in the church. The names of our loved ones will be prayed during our November Masses. Yous tin can email Sr. Stella the names of your loved ones or make a list, bring to church and driblet it in the "Remembrance Family Tree" basket at the sign in table.


Tram's Salon (Profession hair care and nails)

  • Full-service salon (trim, cut, launder, perms, color, highlights, and more than for children and adults)
  • Nail salon next door for manicures and pedicures
  • Open 7 days a calendar week, 9:00am-7:00pm

Appointments only, please phone call 206-935-2970
Address:  4110 California AVE SW
COVID protocol:  everyone wears a mask and is screened with temperature bank check and COVID questionnaire.

Postpartum Doula Services

Seattle Gentle Beginnings offers Postpartum Doula services in Seattle. Areas of support: maternal postpartum recovery and care, emotional and concrete back up, including PMADs, newborn education and care, breastfeeding instruction and back up, sleep coaching, sibling transition, community resource and referrals. Overnight shifts bachelor.Offer discount rates to Holy Rosary Families! Canali, BD, PDPhone 206.414.8070Email

Violin Lessons

Caitlin Kelley is a professional violinist based in West Seattle. She performs frequently with the Seattle Symphony and Opera, and received a graduate degree from the Juilliard School in NYC. She is an active violin teacher, and is currently accepting new students of all ages. She would be happy to offer a complimentary trial lesson to Holy Rosary students that are interested in trying out violin lessons, or who might prefer to switch to a West Seattle-based instructor. At the moment, all lessons are beingness held online via Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype, but she will return to in-person lessons at her studio in West Seattle once it's safe to practice and so. She may be reached at 206-245-7025 or

Picayune Free Pantries

Our family has used some of this time amid the stay at abode order, building Little Free Pantries. The idea, modeled somewhat on the Little Free Library concept, is simple: The pantries are filled by people in the community, and those in need are encouraged to come past and take what they can apply. Nosotros've had one in our chiliad for years and it's not simply introduced us to neighbors to whom we may have never otherwise met but has helped many who are food insecure.  Food insecurity hits many in our neighborhoods, most of whom are housed and with the aftermath of COVID19, the numbers are quickly increasing.  These little boxes are non intended to replace the work of food banks but a way to support a neighbor or who may be in need of a meal. We have a few Piffling Free Pantries remaining which need a good home. They need sealing or painting before they are installed but do come with a mounting postal service.  If y'all need support installing nosotros are happy to assist here too.  If you'd like to identify one in your yard please electronic mail me at Cheers! Molly Harmon and Dave Wilton

Helping The Hungry In This Fourth dimension Of Need

Catholic Community Services (CCS) has been difficult at work, trying to intendance for many people experiencing homelessness who have no place to go. In detail, in that location is a not bad need at the mean solar day middle they operate in Federal Way. They welcome upward to 75 people a solar day, many who come up for both lunch and dinner. CCS is reaching out to local parishes and schools for support. They would prefer donations of hot casseroles, although cold sandwiches are too appreciated. Meals can be brought on Tuesday mornings to St. James Cathedral, which will handle delivery. If interested, email/text/call Patrick Barredo ( | 206-619-2879).

The Grove Westward Seattle Inn

Need office space exterior your habitation? The Grove is currently renting guest rooms for private, secure and comfy role space. Rooms can be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Rooms are equipped with desk-bound and office chair besides as Wifi and access to The Grove's daily coffee and breakfast bar.
3512 SW Alaska St.

Alki Lumber

Per current guidelines, Alki Lumber remains open with limited capacity in our retail store. Call alee orders and curbside service is available for all your lumber and hardware needs.
One thousand-F 6:30-4:30
4422 36th Ave SW

Due west Seattle Local Foods: Food for pick up

W Seattle Local Foods is a group of small business who produce/manufacture delicious have-away in West Seattle.  They ordinarily sell to loftier end restaurants, grocery stores, farmers markets, coffee shops, and online.  The pandemic and the closure of the West Seattle bridge has negatively affected operations and then they accept banded together to provide their food to their neighbors. Order ahead meals and products for selection up across the street from the West Seattle YMCA.
4611 36th Ave SW

Counseling For Children, Adults And Families

I am a licensed mental wellness advisor. I provide mental health counseling to children and families and adults. In response to COVID-xix, and the social distancing protocols I am providing my services to patients using zoom, Skype, FaceTime.  This includes new intakes. Please note if finances are a barrier to accessing counseling services delight permit me know every bit I offering sliding scale.Thank you,James Bederaux-Cayne, MA, LMHC3618 California Ave SWSeattle, WA 98116Office (206) 898-9366Fax (888)

Doyle's Automotive Service

4607 37th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98126      (206) 935-2600 We are open every bit automotive repair is an essential service during the stay at home. Our foyer is temporarily closed, for the safe of everyone. Our hours will exist M – F, 8am – 4:30pm

The Good Society Brewery & Public House

The Practiced Order Brewery & Public House is open up for both on-premise and to-go beers!  We accept indoor seating for groups from the same household and outdoor seating conditions permitting.  Forth with our own small plates, we are offer pizzas from Slicebox Pizza downwards in SoDo.  Visit our website at for more information and hours.  Follow us on social media (@goodsocietybeer) to run across equally we release new beers equally well every bit for other updates.  If you aren't quite comfortable coming in for a beer, you lot can always place an online order at  Thanks every bit ever for your back up!

Westward Seattle Grounds Neighborhood Coffee Shop

West Seattle Grounds Neighborhood Coffee Store is open for To-Go Service! We serve Caffe Umbria's coffee and organic teas for beverages every bit well equally fresh local pastries & sandwiches! Our accost is 2141 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116Monday – Fri 6AM – 4PMWeekends 7AM – 4PMWe are then grateful to our community and all the wonderful people in it who accept supported us & our neighbors through this strange time. We are working extra difficult to ensure that when you visit our establishment you and your families experience at habitation and safe. Social club online for selection-upwardly with the Joe Coffee App ( ) or text 'coffee' to 474747 to download the app and find our shop to get the delicious coffee that you require without having to wait! Questions? Call us at (206) 708 1018 or visit our website


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